Tim Meyer on finding discipline in your field of study

October 12, 2017


Jamison Moore

Attributing his current success to what he learned during his time at Texas A&M University, Tim Meyer was ready to share some of that knowledge when he recently visited with Mays Business Honors students as part of the Mays 2017 Transformational Leader Speaker Series.

“Stay disciplined in this field” seemed to be the common theme Meyer conveyed throughout the duration of the session. Meyer is a co-founder and managing partner at Angeles Equity Partners, and is responsible for overseeing all aspects for the firm’s investment activities. He received his Bachelor’s degree in finance from Texas A&M and an MBA with a concentration in entrepreneurial finance from the Wharton School at the University of Pennsylvania.

Meyer knew the value in sharing his decision to return to school to pursue his MBA, enlightening the students on how he went back to school without being sponsored by the firm he had been working for at the time. He then gave students a rule of thumb for planning when he said, “if you get into a top 5 school for your MBA, go, regardless of money. If it’s not a top 5 B-school, try to see if you get sponsored by your company/firm first.”

When Meyer opened up the floor to questions, students were curious to know what Meyer was passionate about outside of his work. Meyer’s response was that it is hard to strike a balance in his career. “You have to apply your energy towards something in life,” and Meyer has poured his energy into his firm. Passion outside of work includes his family, working out, traveling, and snowboarding. He told the students that they have to know when to “unplug yourself from work and re-center yourself as a person every now and then.”

In asking if Meyer had found his purpose during his time in college or if that purpose just fell in his lap, students received advice on the fact that “opportunities do open up, and if you have the passion, the rest will figure itself out.”

“Mr. Meyer presented some good takeaway points, including to ensure you are passionate about work,” said Andrew Hitscherich ’18, Business Honors & Finance major. “When a person is passionate, his or her end product should reflect that passion and benefit everyone as a whole.”

Business Honors student George Michael Swift ’19 was personally motivated when Mitchell stated “You have to focus your energy on something, so do something you care about and work hard to be the best.” Swift went on to say that “dreaming and working hard are mindsets I strive to implement in my own life. It was encouraging to listen to someone who through is hard work, is making a difference each and every day.”

Meyer then took the time to hear each and every individual story of each of the business honors students attending to see what they have experienced so far during their time at Texas A&M and in their career. He closed with a last piece of advice when he stated that the students need to “drive a culture of collaboration, as its one of the most important factors to your success.” He went on to say that “the extent to which you help each other succeed is just as much as you can do for yourself.”

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